The Japan Times Alpha の記事を読んで楽しみながらボキャビルも増やしたいということで、印象に残ったことを記録していきます。
■2022.4.29 & 5.6日号の記事から(完読度70%)
When you sow seeds of a certain F1 plant, they germinate around the same time, whereas the timing of germination varies with heirloom plants.
The latter are great for home vegitable gardens, as they aren't all harvested at the same time and so there's no waste.

文中の white-eyes が分からなかったので調べてみた。メジロ科のことで、メジロ科とは鳥類スズメ目の科らしい。

Pro bono
Pro bono is a Latin phrase that means "for the good of the people." Today, it implies that a service is being given for free,usually by a lawyer.
"My lawyer knows I can't afford to pay him so has agreed to take my case pro bono."
Quid pro quo
Quid pro quo literally means "something for something." It is used to describe a situation where someone receives a favor in return for something that is of equal value.
"In trade talks, Brazil and the U.S. agreed on a quid pro quo: Brazil will buy beef from the U.S. and the U.S. will buy wheat from Brazil."
Carpe diem
Carpe diem is Latin phrase meaning "seize the day." You may hear the phrase spoken to someone to motivate them to try something new and adventurous, or to enjoy the moment.
"I can't be bothered to do much this holiday." "Carpe diem, my friend! There's plenty of exciting things to do."

Mame describes someone who doesn't hesitate to go the extra mile, who works hard, is conscientious, attentive and precise, and is ready to take on things that others may find somewhat bothersome.
Zubora, on the other hand, is the exact opposite.
People who are indolent and sloppy, who put off tasks, break promises and miss deadlines while leaving dirty dishes lying around are Zubora.
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